Clint and I are doing great. We have been working in our yard alot the last couple of weeks and have got a ton of stuff done. The people that lived here before us did absolutly nothing with the yard, so there were lots of weeds to pull which left big bald spots in the lawn we had to re-convince it to grow. I have only one little lonely tree in the front yard that is aobut 3 feet tall and was about to die. It now has six new leaves growing. Yea!!! I will be going rock hunting tomorrow with Tony to mark off some of the front yard into a garden so I can have flowers. Clint has been getting the sprinkler system up and running. It wouldn't so hard if I would stop mowing them over. :( He is still loving his job at Lehi Roller Mills, although this week he has had to train a new driver because the other one flipped out at the boss and got fired. Things are good at the doc's place too. Just same ole, same ole. My practice is coming along great. I have decided to name it Nervana Masssge Therapy, massage for your physical and mental nerves. I know cheesy, but I like it. Stubby and Black Stuff were both beat up by the same cat and both got a very serious absess infection. They are better now. The turtles can't wait until we get our fence in so they can wonder around the yard. Well that's all for now. -Jen.